True, it's only May, but it's never too early to start thinking about (and collecting ballot nominations for) the Novel-T ROY.
No, this isn't another Roy Campanella post. And we're not referring to Roy Hobbs from The Natural--I'm sure we'll get to that soon enough.
We're talking about the Novel-T Rookie of the Year.
This year it's a race between Blake, Eggers, Emerson, and Hurston. Vote for your favorite here.
The Novel-T Rookie of the Year will win a great big prize of some sort, which will likely be shared among the fans. Either one of those tremendous bags of popcorn that you see sometimes vendors dig into at minor league ballparks, or something else.
If you have ideas on what the prize should be, let's hear 'em!
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brhitgened my day!
Got it! Thnkas a lot again for helping me out!
Home run! Great slggunig with that answer!