News — new shirts

Poe A Tree Tees & Tote Bags Back IN STOCK

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Poe A Tree Tees & Tote Bags Back IN STOCK

Just In Time For Summer Our "Fan Favorite" Poe A Tree T-Shirts & Totes are BACK IN STOCK!! 

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Walt's With Me Novel-T's Are Now On Sale

new shirts poetry t-shirt tee walt walt whitman walt's with me walts walts w me walts with me whitman

Novel-T is proud to announce that to celebrate our second birthday, our special edition "Walt's With Me" Walt Whitman t-shirt is now on sale.  Printed on an American Apparel tri-blend jersey, our Walt's With Me shirt is so comfortable you won't want to take it off at the end of the day.  And we think Walt, of all people, would be cool with the idea of dancing the night away with you in your dreams. Check out the new Walt's With Me shirt here.

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NEW: Walt's With Me tees, available online soon

new shirts poetry walt whitman walt's with me

Novel-T's turning two years old today, and to celebrate we're proud to announce the release of our 25th shirt: Walt's With Me. We'll be debuting the shirt at the Brooklyn Book Festival this Sunday, September 18th, so if you're in the neighborhood swing on by and pick one up.  The Brooklyn Book Festival is one of our favorite events: tons of amazing writers, wonderful vendors (including publishing houses, bookstores, literary journals and magazines), and thousands of hardcore book-lovers. Come join us! For those who won't be able to attend, the Walt's With Me shirts will be available online starting Wednesday, September...

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Who's the Novel-T ROY?

blake eggers emerson hurston new shirts rookie of the year

True, it's only May, but it's never too early to start thinking about (and collecting ballot nominations for) the Novel-T ROY. No, this isn't another Roy Campanella post. And we're not referring to Roy Hobbs from The Natural--I'm sure we'll get to that soon enough. We're talking about the Novel-T Rookie of the Year.  This year it's a race between Blake, Eggers, Emerson, and Hurston.  Vote for your favorite here.  The Novel-T Rookie of the Year will win a great big prize of some sort, which will likely be shared among the fans. Either one of those tremendous bags of...

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Bring a Pal to the Ballpark

deals new shirts website

Hey fans, to celebrate the opening of the 2011 season--with this new site and our four new players--we're gonna try out a little "bring a pal to the ballpark" special. But the math is pretty complicated: buy a shirt + post to Facebook or Twitter + a friend buys a shirt off your link = you each get $5 off that purchase think of it: $5!  that's like a box seat to a Royals game. or almost a small soda at a Yankees game!  

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