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And We're Back! Literary T-Shirt Jerseys are BACK IN STOCK!
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Yes, we're back! And no, gentle reader, we do not simply mean a new blog entry. We've heeded your whispers and hints. We here at Novel-T are happy to oblige! Need a shirt to represent a specific kind of literary obsession? A limited print run returns some familiar names for the holidays. Check in with Jane Austen, Edgar Allan Poe and - more specifically - his Raven, Hester Prynne, William Shakespeare, and Ralph Waldo Emerson and see what fits you (or your friends and family) best! These previously-sold-out stars are back on our shelves. Thanks to fans' requests, Novel-T aims to make that aforementioned fit even more...
A New Jane Austen Portrait Makes Us Think About Inter-Dimensional Travel
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The New Yorker recently posted an interesting article on readers' desire to know what their favorite authors looked like, particularly the mysterious face of the supremely popular Jane Austen. A Guardian article reported on new evidence supporting the claim that the painting below is of Austen at age 13, including the discovery of the name "Jane Austen" in the top-right corner of the painting, found in an image of the painting taken before the the canvas was restored. Whether or not the painting is of the author, the question is why we're so curious about what our favorite authors looked like. The New Yorker suggests, in respect...