News — literary t-shirts

Poe A Tree Tees & Tote Bags Back IN STOCK

book gift book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book t-shirt book-lovers t-shirt edgar allan poe edgar allan poe jersey edgar allan poe t-shirt gifts for readers literary literary t-shirt literary t-shirts new shirts poe Poe A Tree poe raven t-shirt poe t-shirt poe tee PoeATree poet poetry t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers the raven totes

Poe A Tree Tees & Tote Bags Back IN STOCK

Just In Time For Summer Our "Fan Favorite" Poe A Tree T-Shirts & Totes are BACK IN STOCK!! 

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What Do William Shakespeare, The Big Lebowski, and a T-Shirt Have in Common? A Novel-T Contest!

#KnavedQuotes Adam Bertocci Coen Brothers contest Die Hard Facebook film film quotes John McLane Jules lebowski literary art-objects literary t-shirt literary t-shirts movie movie quotes Pulp Fiction Quotes Shakespeare social media t-shirt The Big Lebowski The Dude The Knave Twitter Two Gentlemen of Lebowski William Shakespeare

What Do William Shakespeare, The Big Lebowski, and a T-Shirt Have in Common? A Novel-T Contest!

As promised, Novel-T brings you exciting contest news! We’ve teamed up with author, filmmaker, and all-round pop culture junkie Adam Bertocci to challenge your literary, film, and creative sensibilities. We’re offering two fans a chance to win a copy of Two Gentlemen of Lebowski signed by its creator (Bertocci – not Shakespeare), as well as Novel-T's William Shakespeare literary t-shirt jersey. To do so, all you need is a little knowledge of Elizabethan drama, your favorite book or movie, and some creativity. Novel-T wants you to take your favorite film or literary quote and recast it in the Bard’s style, as Adam and...

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Pairing Books and Beer: a Special Guest-Post of Novels 'n' Bottles by Sam Calagione

beer beer poetry book beer pairings book gift book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book t-shirt books and beers books and beers pairings brewmasters dogfish head gifts for readers lines on ale literary t-shirt literary t-shirts

Yesterday we posted about sharing a page of New York magazine with Woody Harrelson and Marilyn Monroe, and picturing Vonnegut pulled up to the bar with Woody and Marilyn. So what better topic to write about today than the wonderful kinship of beer and books? We'll start with a poem called "Lines on Ale" by the third baseman for the American Canons, Edgar Allan Poe. "Lines on Ale" Fill with mingled cream and amber     I will drain that glass again. Such hilarious visions clamber     Through the chamber of my brain - Quaintest thoughts - queerest fancies     Come to life and...

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Kurt Vonnegut T-Shirt: Hanging Out with Woody Harrelson and Marilyn Monroe

approval matrix t-shirt approval matrix vonnegut book shirt book shirts gifts for readers great gift for geeks kurt vonnegut kurt vonnegut t-shirt literary t-shirt literary t-shirts new york new york magazine t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers

New York magazine has generously (and not unwisely) pointed to Novel-T in this week's Approval Matrix, calling Novel-T's a "great gift for geeks." There's the Kurt Vonnegut #5 jersey, just chilling–where else?–between Woody Harrelson and Marilyn Monroe. It's pretty much the bar scene of our dreams.  And who knows, maybe Kurt and Marilyn are having a drink and a smoke right now in that great dive bar in the sky.   

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The Zora Neale Hurston T-Shirt: In a Sunshine State

@miamibookfair author t-shirts book gift florida florida books gifts for readers hurston hurston t-shirt huston florida literary t-shirt literary t-shirts miami book fair miami zora shirts about books t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers tee th their eyes were watching god

Novel-T is in Miami, Florida for the weekend for the Miami Book Fair, one of our favorite events of the year.  For a couple kids from New York, it's hard to beat the chance to shoot down to the sunny climes of South Florida to talk books for a few days. It's also a good chance for us to talk about one of the newest additions to the Novel-T league, Zora Neale Hurston. Hurston was a great student of the culture and history of Florida, both of which she brought to bear in her most widely-read novel, Their Eyes Were Watching...

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