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What Do William Shakespeare, The Big Lebowski, and a T-Shirt Have in Common? A Novel-T Contest!
#KnavedQuotes Adam Bertocci Coen Brothers contest Die Hard Facebook film film quotes John McLane Jules lebowski literary art-objects literary t-shirt literary t-shirts movie movie quotes Pulp Fiction Quotes Shakespeare social media t-shirt The Big Lebowski The Dude The Knave Twitter Two Gentlemen of Lebowski William Shakespeare

As promised, Novel-T brings you exciting contest news! We’ve teamed up with author, filmmaker, and all-round pop culture junkie Adam Bertocci to challenge your literary, film, and creative sensibilities. We’re offering two fans a chance to win a copy of Two Gentlemen of Lebowski signed by its creator (Bertocci – not Shakespeare), as well as Novel-T's William Shakespeare literary t-shirt jersey. To do so, all you need is a little knowledge of Elizabethan drama, your favorite book or movie, and some creativity. Novel-T wants you to take your favorite film or literary quote and recast it in the Bard’s style, as Adam and...
Happy Literary Cyber Thanksgiving - A Thank You From Novel-T
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Novel-T understands budget and schedule concerns when planning for holiday gifts. That's why we offer you a chance to save the whole weekend! Now through 11:59 PM EST on Monday (11/30/15), YOU get to choose how to save. At checkout, use discount code LiteraryThanks15 to receive free domestic shipping within the United States OR use CyberThanks15 for $10 off your overall purchase. Choose the savings best for YOU this year. As you might've read, a limited print run returns some familiar names for the holidays. Novel-T's excited to welcome back William Shakespeare, Tom Sawyer, Kurt Vonnegut, Edgar Allan Poe (and his Raven),...