News — book shirts

Poe A Tree Tees & Tote Bags Back IN STOCK

book gift book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book t-shirt book-lovers t-shirt edgar allan poe edgar allan poe jersey edgar allan poe t-shirt gifts for readers literary literary t-shirt literary t-shirts new shirts poe Poe A Tree poe raven t-shirt poe t-shirt poe tee PoeATree poet poetry t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers the raven totes

Poe A Tree Tees & Tote Bags Back IN STOCK

Just In Time For Summer Our "Fan Favorite" Poe A Tree T-Shirts & Totes are BACK IN STOCK!! 

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Happy Literary Cyber Thanksgiving - A Thank You From Novel-T

42 adams austen jersey austen t-shirt black friday book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book t-shirt book-lovers t-shirt contest crowdfunding crowdsourcing cyber monday discount documentary don argott douglas adams edgar allan poe edgar allan poe jersey edgar allan poe t-shirt facebook film free shipping giveaway griffin dunne harvey pekar hester prynne hester prynne t-shirt instagram jane austen jane austen jersey jane austen t-shirt joan didion kickstarter kurt vonnegut kurt vonnegut t-shirt literary cyber thanksgiving mcsweeney's nevermore t-shirt novel shirt novel-t shirt novel-t shit novelist t-shirt book t-shirt poe poe jersey poe raven t-shirt poe t-shirt poe tee prynne robert weide sale scarlet letter scarlet letter t-shirt shakespeare social media susanne rostock t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers thanksgiving thanksgiving sale the raven the raven nevermore tom sawyer tom sawyer t-shirt tom sawyer tee shirt twitter unstuck in time vonnegut asterisk vonnegut t-shirt vonngeut t-shirt william shakespeare

Happy Literary Cyber Thanksgiving - A Thank You From Novel-T

Novel-T understands budget and schedule concerns when planning for holiday gifts. That's why we offer you a chance to save the whole weekend! Now through 11:59 PM EST on Monday (11/30/15), YOU get to choose how to save. At checkout, use discount code LiteraryThanks15 to receive free domestic shipping within the United States OR use CyberThanks15 for $10 off your overall purchase. Choose the savings best for YOU this year. As you might've read, a limited print run returns some familiar names for the holidays. Novel-T's excited to welcome back William Shakespeare, Tom Sawyer, Kurt Vonnegut, Edgar Allan Poe (and his Raven),...

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Something Like Turning Water Into Wine: Sam Calagione Releases New Dogfish Head Beer/Wine Crossover "Noble Rot," Wears an Awesome T-Shirt

beer beer and books book shirt book shirts dogfish head noble rot sam calagione turning grapes into beer turning wine into beer walt walt whitman

So Novel-T is a big fan of books of course, but we've also been known to hoot and hollar about our favorite brewery, Dogfish Head. Brewmaster Sam Calagione isn't exactly turning water into wine with his new "Noble Rot," but he may be doing something even better: turning wine into beer! Check out the new video debuting this wonderful looking creation and find out what the "brewhaha" is all about. Haha. Can't wait to try some ourselves! PS: Oh yeah, look at those handsome threads the dude's sporting. Cheers, Sam!

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Ralph Waldo Emerson T-Shirt: Emerson on Giving Thanks, a Thanksgiving Post

author t-shirts book gift book gifts book shirts book t-shirt book-lovers t-shirt emerson jersey emerson t-shirt emerson thanks emerson thanksgiving ralph waldo emerson thanksgiving thanksgiving quote the writers almanac transcendentalism quote

Our Ralph Waldo Emerson t-shirt celebrates a man who, if he said something on a topic, probably said it better than anyone else. Here's a quote of Emerson's about being thankful that we wanted to share. We first heard on one of our favorite radio programs, The Writers' Almanac: “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” What we could possibly add to that sentiment we don't know, except to wish you...

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Books and Beers Pairing Prize Winners Announced

beer and books book beer pairings book gift book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book t-shirt book-lovers t-shirt books and beers books and beers pairings brewmasters contest winners dogfish head edgar allan poe novel-t shirt poe t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers tee

  This week we posted an article on our blog pairing books and beers.   Dogfish Head's brewmaster Sam Calagione was kind enough to give some suggestions, and we asked around the web for suggestions.  We're pleased to tell you about three of our favorite pairings, and we're awarding each of the three suggesters a free Novel-T:  #1: Posted by Jeff Stern Fullsteam’s Carver Sweet Potato Lager with Raymond Carver’s short fiction, Abita Turbo Dog with John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale with David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King and Rogue Dead Guy with Doug Dorst’s Alive in Necropolis. I...

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