News — book shirt
For the Books - Monster Paintings in the Library
art-objects book shirt books gifts for readers literary art-objects literary t-shirt los angeles monster kat monster paintings monstertrocity the humument tom phillips
This past weekend we had the pleasure of meeting Los Angeles-based artist, Monster Kat. We were strolling through the Hollywood Farmers Market when we noticed the wonderful piece of artwork pictured below. Monster Kat paints her creatures on pages from vintage, recycled books. Each monster painting is unique and some even come with a "name" and "character trait." You can visit her site monstertrocity and browse through the current monster paintings in her library. This project reminds us a bit of one our favorite book/art-object crossovers, Tom Phillips' amazing The Humument. We suppose we owe The Humument a post...
Books and Beers Pairing Prize Winners Announced
beer and books book beer pairings book gift book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book t-shirt book-lovers t-shirt books and beers books and beers pairings brewmasters contest winners dogfish head edgar allan poe novel-t shirt poe t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers tee
This week we posted an article on our blog pairing books and beers. Dogfish Head's brewmaster Sam Calagione was kind enough to give some suggestions, and we asked around the web for suggestions. We're pleased to tell you about three of our favorite pairings, and we're awarding each of the three suggesters a free Novel-T: #1: Posted by Jeff Stern Fullsteam’s Carver Sweet Potato Lager with Raymond Carver’s short fiction, Abita Turbo Dog with John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale with David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King and Rogue Dead Guy with Doug Dorst’s Alive in Necropolis. I...
Pairing Books and Beer: a Special Guest-Post of Novels 'n' Bottles by Sam Calagione
beer beer poetry book beer pairings book gift book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book t-shirt books and beers books and beers pairings brewmasters dogfish head gifts for readers lines on ale literary t-shirt literary t-shirts
Yesterday we posted about sharing a page of New York magazine with Woody Harrelson and Marilyn Monroe, and picturing Vonnegut pulled up to the bar with Woody and Marilyn. So what better topic to write about today than the wonderful kinship of beer and books? We'll start with a poem called "Lines on Ale" by the third baseman for the American Canons, Edgar Allan Poe. "Lines on Ale" Fill with mingled cream and amber I will drain that glass again. Such hilarious visions clamber Through the chamber of my brain - Quaintest thoughts - queerest fancies Come to life and...
Kurt Vonnegut T-Shirt: Hanging Out with Woody Harrelson and Marilyn Monroe
approval matrix t-shirt approval matrix vonnegut book shirt book shirts gifts for readers great gift for geeks kurt vonnegut kurt vonnegut t-shirt literary t-shirt literary t-shirts new york new york magazine t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers
New York magazine has generously (and not unwisely) pointed to Novel-T in this week's Approval Matrix, calling Novel-T's a "great gift for geeks." There's the Kurt Vonnegut #5 jersey, just chilling–where else?–between Woody Harrelson and Marilyn Monroe. It's pretty much the bar scene of our dreams. And who knows, maybe Kurt and Marilyn are having a drink and a smoke right now in that great dive bar in the sky.
Book T-Shirts or Literary T-Shirts?
book gifts book jerseys book shirt book shirts book-lovers t-shirt edgar allan poe gifts for readers literary t-shirt literary t-shirts novelist t-shirt book t-shirt poetry t-shirt poetry t-shirts t-shirts for readers shirts about books t-shirt t-shirts for book-lovers the writer t-shirt
At Novel-T, we like to think of our shirts as "literary t-shirts" or "literary t-shirt jerseys" or "literary jerseys." But there are many who prefer a simpler a name: "book t-shirts"--or even the super-succinct "book shirts." The appellation "book t-shirts" has its merits. It's simple in just the way that the best writing is: straightforward and succinct. There's no haughtiness there. But some of our shirts are not "about books" so much as they're about authors. Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn each appear in two books each. Still, we suppose they are book t-shirts. But our Poe shirts are...